Welcome to the 2025 Convention page!
This page will become your “convention bag,” stuffed with all the information that delegates and guests need to get the most out of the 2025 Convention of the Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO, which will be held July 22-24 in Vancouver, WA. In the weeks leading up to Convention, we will be posting the tentative convention agenda, rules, proposed resolutions, workshop descriptions, forms, and everything else you need. This page will be continually updated, so keep checking back — and refreshing the page — as we add materials and information.
● REGISTRATION — Check back for registration information.
● RESERVE YOUR ROOM — Check back for hotel information.
● COVID-19 SAFETY PROTOCOL — The health and safety of everyone in attendance remains a priority. The WSLC encourages all participants to self-test for COVID before attending the convention. The WSLC recommends that all adhere to the CDC-recommended COVID prevention measures, such as staying current on vaccination, frequent and thorough handwashing, and staying home (or in your hotel room) and testing if you develop symptoms – you can find a list of known COVID symptoms from the CDC. Masks are optional at convention.
● OUR CONSTITUTION — Check out the WSLC Constitution and Bylaws to understand the structure and organization of the council and its annual conventions.
● RULES — Check back for the proposed Convention Standing Rules for the 2025 Convention. These rules will be considered and voted upon by the convention body on Tuesday.
● NEW DELEGATES — If you are a first-time delegate, check out the New Delegate page to find out what the WSLC is, what it does, and your role at this convention. We encourage you to attend the New Delegate workshop at (Location & Time TBA) before the convention begins on Day 1 to get acquainted with the agenda, traditions and events associated with the convention.
Tentative AGENDA
Convention WORKSHOPS
On Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons, the WSLC will offer hands-on interactive workshops.
Check back for workshop descriptions in June.
Delegates appointed to serve on the following committees will be notified prior to convention. Check back for a list of committee assignments for the following committees (the Tentative Agenda will indicate where/when they meet):
- Sergeant-at-Arms
- Rules
- Resolutions
- Legislative
- Labels & Lists
- Grievance
To be considered on time, all Proposed Resolutions must be postmarked and/or emailed to the Secretary Treasurer at ccarter@wslc.org no later than Monday, June 23. Any proposed resolutions received after June 23 will be marked late and will be considered only if two-thirds of convention delegates vote to do so.
On Tuesday afternoon, the Resolutions, Legislative and Labels & Lists committees (see above) will meet to review and discuss Proposed Resolutions. These committee meetings are open to all delegates, but only those who have been assigned to serve as committee members will vote on whether to amend and/or recommend adoption of the resolutions. On Thursday, the committees will introduce each resolution to the convention floor for debate and action.
Convention EVENTS