Workforce Development

The WSLC is hosting the Pacific Northwest Labor Leader Workforce Development Conference on Oct. 2-3 at the South Seattle College’s Georgetown Campus, 6737 Corson Ave. South in Seattle. Register here.See the agenda.

The Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO is dedicated to advocating for Washington’s working families. From initial entry, to career transition, and when facing job loss, our Workforce Development Department seeks to ensure universal access to: 

●  Portable skills and a voice in career development
●  Continuity for those navigating the workforce system
●  An economy that works for both workers and businesses


Direct Worker Support


When workers face layoff through no fault of their own, there are state and federal programs available to assist with finding employment and pursuing training opportunities. The WSLC’s Workforce Development Directors are dedicated to advocating for laid off workers (union and non-union), working to ensure workers maximize services to best support themselves, their families and their careers.

Contact us to:

●  Troubleshoot Unemployment Insurance issues
●  File for Trade Adjustment Assistance benefits
●  Arrange Labor-Management Committees and Rapid Response presentations during downsizing or closure


Labor Liaisons to the Workforce System


We work to ensure labor has a seat at the table throughout the entire public workforce system. As the voice for working families, we depend on you to serve on committees and boards for working people to be heard. You ensure public policy and funding decisions are made with the best interest of the recipient at heart. Our team works directly with applicable agencies throughout the state consulting on labor issues and training providers on unions and apprenticeship.

Contact us to:

●  Serve on a workforce board, college or K-12 advisory committee, state board or commission. (See the latest list of Current and Upcoming Gubernatorial Appointment Opportunities.)
●  Serve on a grant review team
●  Review policies and initiatives


Workforce System Liaison to Unions


Our team is available to assist your reps and members at any time navigating the public workforce system. We offer ongoing training and support to members serving on boards and committees, provide trainings on accessing services, distribute notifications on policy discussions and grant opportunities impactful to labor.

Contact us for:

●  Training reps on Unemployment Insurance and worker retraining benefits
●  Assistance accessing incumbent worker training
●  Support accessing grant funding
●  Support developing a workforce training strategy


Layoff Aversion


You are often the first to hear about struggling business – if we know early enough, there are resources that can be brought to bear. Notify us at the first sign of trouble so we can work together to engage the appropriate partners. Strategies such as Shared Work, NWTAAC, Impact Washington, Job Skills Program, and others may be able to support your members and employers before it is too late.


Job Creation / Training Development


We want to be strategic partners in workforce development. Employers are crying out for the right talent, and workforce training is the answer. Through apprenticeship development and joint labor-management training partnerships, we can ensure workers gain portable skills and wage gains while meeting employer needs.

Work with us to:

●  Influence policy and grant opportunities to meet the needs of workers
●  Increase capacity of joint labor-management apprenticeship programs
●  Build and grow apprenticeship into new sectors
●  Promote incumbent worker programs that upskill your existing workforce

We are here to serve you – let us be your partner in Workforce Development, because a skilled workforce works for everyone.


WSLC Workforce Development Department staff


You can reach the Workforce Development Department at 360-570-5161. Or contact staff directly:

Workforce Development Directors:
Emmanuel Flores — 360.561.4657 / (King, Snohomish, NW Washington)
Chelsea Mason-Placek — 253.973.3324 / (Pierce, SW Washington, Olympic Peninsula)
Rachel McAloon — 360.515.1335 / (Eastern Washington)

Michael Pichler, Unemployment Insurance Navigator — 360-338-1683 /
Laurel Poplack, Administrative Assistant — 360.553.5525 /